Hi, we are Cheryl and Heather Small (formerly of the band M People) the founders of Prousdsista, a clothing brand with inspirational and emotive merchandise celebrating self-worth. It has always been a desire to build a business together but finding the right time with my sister pursuing her music career and me living on the edge in my 9 to 5, working as a HR Professional in the Youth Service and both bringing up our families, the challenge was on.
No doubt one of our biggest challenges was me being diagnosed at 14 with Manic Depression, known today as Bipolar Disorder. All the above could of turned out so differently had it not been for my beautiful sister. Heather was determined that this would not interfere with our plan and took control at 15. Liaising with medical professionals, sorting out the best care plan for me over the years has kept me going. She often calls me her hero but I think the accolade goes to her and she is my definition of a Proud Sista.
You’ve heard from Cher my turn..
As stated in the above we wanted a brand that chartered our history and all the diversity this included. We are biological sisters and our bond is primarily rooted in this fact but sisterhood is more than a blood connection and we wanted to translate this through our brand.
My sister has been a constant source of love and support and she is definitely my hero.
Throughout our journey we have made other sisterly bonds be they with sisters of African and Caribbean ancestry, sisters with working class values, sisters of immigrant heritage and not forgetting our feminist sisters.
We salute these Proudsistas whether they use the pronouns he, she or they.
We are passionate about those people who have been marginalised for whatever reason and feel they have no voice. We would like to create a platform where everyone has a seat at the table, not only a seat but a voice that deserves to be heard.
Please share your stories and sign up to our mailing list we would love to hear them. Who has shown up for you and please this is for everybody it doesn’t have to be a blood relative but someone who has shown love in your hour of need and remember a sista comes in all shapes and sizes.